Custom Container Guard Shack
Custom Container Guard Shack
Sale Price:$39,000.00 Original Price:$48,000.00
New 20 Standard Container Office w/ fork pockets
- 10' Office
- 10' Porch (open on two sides with End closed)
- External Paint (Dark Grey/Black)
- Eight * 20 AMP Outlets (6 inside & 2 outside with quad boxes (4 plugs on each). Bottom left and right corners of the office. 8 plugs in each corner
- Access panel - outside
- 220V
*Three lines ground, hot, and neutral
- 2"Spray Foam Insulation inside of office
- Plywood (painted interior)
- Non-slip Floor (Porch and Office)
- Four Florescent 4' Lights (2 Inside & 2 Outside) End to end centered.
- HVAC split pack - minipack. Air handler. Vent in the open area and vent in the office.
100Amp in for junction
208v1ph - coming out.
Solar options available.